Ode to a Symphony

The crisp’d innings of
Lust, listless and longevity
Held its own death
Against the filter of brevity.

Thus beheld,
The power of sin and causality
Sanctioning the lines,
Cataclysmic lies
A rouge for intention, out of intention.

In Spring the winds
Hold a density smote
With vintaged irony,
The pull of the heavens
Lighting the conversations
Of enmity and forgery,
An impression to behold.

Has my word
Turned into the ashes
Of Alexandria’s standing demise
While the age between 
Your sacred eyes
Turn into the gauntlet,
Promising luxury and conspiracy-
A sheet of tattered paper
Lying within net worth,
And Midas’ money

I shall warn you,
I hold the fruit.
The lactose, the sulfuric acid-
Lace my edifice as I
Strut around the hallway of heaven,
An intermission between
The snake and the bush.


Hold me in the crass reverence
Of saints, knighted sheep
With my blood and bones
Against the same duvet
Blanketing the game of thrones

Fool me, with confirming identity
Each particulate trajectory-
Leaves my bottom lip
Waiting for wave-punctuation
It’s all a conscientous function

To have my ankles
Roll against the motor
Of bandwagons, and jesters

The de facto lineage
Permeating the twist, lurge and go-go
Before I embark 
On the inertia of my sanity
Would you promise to hold me?


Elusive, gorgeous and aerial wings

Probe the vast multitude of

Your courageous swings, sin and prim-

Never to find matter in this viscosity,

A permeable farce on the contrary

To ingest a taste, a whim of life

Sparkling, yet decomposing

The compass of cell and dust

Sister, sister.

Hey there woman, 

With the accepted pretty eyes

And a bosom of a size

Seeming to ridicule nature’s cries

Have you tore up a confession?

Or do your secrets act as a suppression, 

From vixen to molten-

Have you swatted a fly?

Do you pose with an anatomy

Warped in obligation,

Turning sexuality into Minkowski

Is this a joke, modern fashion?

Why haven’t you crimson on your hands?

Why has the deathbed become a trend?

I thought you’d think twice, 

Before another selfie of those pretty eyes

About the distance between 

You, your breasts, and the female voice

But in a homogenous universe

Virtue is lost, to please the boys. 

My Fellow Millennials

Dear brethren, and chains of verticality

We stand upon the abolishment of the Philistines,

Cursing the impression of self asserted boomers

We seem to know what’s beyond our eyes,

Only to dispute the incomprehensible- dismissed as lies

What stands between us

The fountain of youth

And ancient pondering,

Lies texts of considering what seems to be rigged-

In our beautifully coined delusions

We leave a delusion, for another

Isn’t it time to break free

Of kin, correctness and vicinity-.

To look at Earth as another iris

Perhaps another breather?

Seas Of Pedigrees

Oh look at all of you,
Sat on your mobile stools
Reciting dreams, and stolen visions
With the oyster nearly rotten
Doesn’t it just seem that
The world is completely yours?

Frustration holds no bemusement
As bloating decadence
Sticks to the flaming walls,
Holding might in corrosion
Heathen, slashed over scratches

I beg you to hold my frame
With as much apathy as I hold
For institutionalised games