Three-Hundred and Sixty Five

And there it permeates,
Through scales of emblazonment
Etching parameters
On suspended establishment
To raise the pattern,
Of castrated time
In pure oblivion
To the geometrical metric,
Birth-date’s paradigm

To grasp, like a ginger petal
And lose it
Within stars, amongst others
Trails of gravity
Cascading forward
Into the tapes of objective-
Subjective gauge paucity
An ionic parameterization
To catch the electronic subfield
From reverend, blissed’ the dead end

How hath the livid word
Of the breathing, panting Zeitgeist
Pandered the sinuous journey
Through fragmented shards
Ice, dendrite and physicality
A commissioned form
All too alike
In the hidden hour,
Phenomenology shall leave me
In a blind transmission
For mimesis to set me free